* If you cannot find a preferred appointment time, please contact us. There may be additional appointment times available.
* In addition to booking your appointment, please also download our intake forms here.
We offer canine adjusting services on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Initial Visit (Includes: $80 Exam Fee & $60 First Adjustment)
Follow Up Adjustment Appointments
Follow Up Adjustment + Rehab Therapies (20 min)
Bundled Savings Options
$270 Intro Course of Care
Chiropractic Assessment ($70)
2 Adjustments ($55 each)
1 Adjustment/Rehab Therapies ($90)
$275 5 Adjustment Bundle ($60 each)
$276 3 Adjustments + Rehab Bundle ($92 each)
It usually takes 3 visits to determine what's possible for chiropractic care and your dog. The frequency of those adjustments will be determined by the severity of your dogs injury, by how long they've been dealing with it, and by the doctor's findings. These recommendations will be discussed with you at your appointment.
IMPORTANT: Chiropractors working with animals must do so in consultation with a veterinarian. Below is the "Veterinary Consult Form" that you can send to your vet so that they can provide consultation notes for your dog. If there is no veterinary consult form by the time of your appointment, we will not be able to perform any adjustments on your dog.
We understand that not all veterinarians are supportive of chiropractic care, and some people do not have a regular veterinarian. If this applies to your situation, please let us know. We'd be happy to discuss your options.
We offer our services from:
​Please contact our team at Nostos to find an appointment time that will work with your schedule.
587 - 391 - 8611